Agro-produce marketing: development of agro-tagger and suggestion generation system
The growing use of internet has developed interest in the eld of Information Extraction. Most
of the documents on internet are unstructured text that can be structure dusing information
extraction techniques. Social Networking sites play a prominent role in the life of people by
providing a platform, that allows users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests. Social
networking sites have a great marketing potential that can be exploited in Agro-produce
marketing domain. The farmers and merchants can post about their interests. These tweets
are be analyzed and suggestions can be generated for both farmers and merchants. A
domain specic information extraction system is developed for Agro-produce marketing
domain for extracting entities crop name, variety, price, quantity, location and deadline from
the web. The text engineering framework - General Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE)
provides ANNIE, an information extraction plug-in, which is extended and modied for building
the system. The core of the system is based on pattern action grammar rules. The Agrotagger
identies the entities related to agro-produce marketing from a given document and
tag them.
- M Tech Dissertations [923]